Since it’s that time of the year, I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and best of luck with selecting and acquiring gifts for your loved ones. Try not to step on too many toes in the shopping frenzy! 🙂
However, the point of this post is not only to send some slightly-too-early best wishes for the holiday season, but to also offer some advice and I’ll try to keep it short. Since everyone is thinking about gifts, shopping, Christmas trees and generally daydreaming about how pleasant it’ll be to spend some time with their family, business and financial activity in general is naturally decreasing. Of course, this means reduced liquidity on the Forex markets, which also translates to lower volatility to an extent. Weird things tend to happen during this period and it’s probably a very good idea to pause all your trading between something like 15.12 and 10.01, a rough interval that can be squeezed or extended to match each individual preference. Some of you are doing this already, but for those who aren’t, I advise considering stopping all your expert advisors, pausing any signals you’re subscribed to and refraining from manual trading. Just take the time to relax, enjoy the holidays and spend quality time with your loved ones – leave the Forex trading for the new year. It’s always harder to progress if you have to recover from a drawdown, so if there are dangerous time periods that you can avoid, don’t shy away from doing just that.
Just for the record, I will not pause any of the forward tests on unless the vendor specifically advises it via their mailing list.
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