The download rate limitations that Dukascopy started enforcing recently have impacted the tick data download speed quite a lot but Tick Data Suite v2.2.19 brings a major improvement in this area: a Dukascopy mirror server was configured that allows downloading without any limitations. This server is only available to users with an active subscription. It is enabled by default for eligible users and its usage can be configured in the Settings dialog in Tick Data Manager. Trial licenses and users without an active subscription will continue to download from the slower Dukascopy server.
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Dear Support
I understand I have an active subscription but when I look at my current TDS version note that it still is Version and my download speeds from Dukascopy are still very slow. Can you please advise the steps I need to take to gain access to fast download speeds from the new version 2.2.19. Regards
You’re probably using the stable updates channel which only offers stable updates.
v2.2.19 is a beta version, the fast download has not yet been released in a stable version. If you wish to use this version, simply get it from the downloads page and install it.
Thanks for the prompt response Birt. 🙂
The mirror history server….how often is it updated?
Or perhaps a better question is how many hours does it lag behind “original” dukascopy servers?
It’s 5-20 minutes behind. However, when downloading from the mirror server the most recently closed hour is restricted for that reason. For instance, if it’s 3:45PM UTC, even though the 2:00PM hour should have been closed already the Tick Data Manager will only attempt to download up to 1:00PM UTC.
before upgrading, I noticed that TDS v2.2.15 dukascopy data was downloading at a regular speed again. No hangs. The weekly download completed without any timeouts. Last two weeks now.
I asked Dukas about the limits bug they never really gave a complete answer.
It’s not a bug, it’s a limitation that they configured on purpose. I don’t know if it’s there to stay or if they will keep playing with it, which is why I added the mirror server.
Other people received a reply from Dukascopy confirming the limitation enforcement, but I guess it depends on the person that picks up your inquiry – they may or may not be aware of what’s going on with their tick data server.